Wednesday, April 1, 2015


          I would think that parenting would be instinctual, a natural part of human existence, but it is evidently so much more than that.  I think that a large flaw in our American society is the rearing of a child by just two parents.  This creates so many differences amongst us and often fatigue on the part of the parents.  I really believe that children should be raised more communally and have a wide network of mentors from the start.  Sure, some kids experience this support from a community, but there are too many whose parents are overworked and they end up pretty much on their own.
        One of the most critical components of parenting, in my opinion, is love.  I think that being loved by parents can greatly affect one's confidence, friendships, and motivation throughout life.  There is no one way to show love-some express it by being overprotective and strict while other parents trust and provide freedom.  I also don't want to sound like I'm oversimplifying; love is important but even parents who love their children have a lot of flaws in their parenting.
        I am very, very grateful for my parents.  They provide me with so much support, safety, and guidance.  My friends often hear me complain when my dad calls me about six times a day or imposes ridiculous beliefs, but ultimately I know that it is because he cares…a lot.   I think that the values and motivation that I have are definitely an outcome of their pushing me to work hard and stay busy.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Frankl-y Speaking

     This was my second time reading "Man's Search for Meaning," and I gained so much more from it this time through than the last.  The part that spoke to me most was Frankl's understanding of love.  The first time this came up was when he states, "The salvation of man is through love and in love" (p. 37).  As can be understood from my hippie ramblings during class, I am very much a proponent of love. It is unbelievable to me that Frankl had the wisdom to turn to love even in concentration camps where he was faced with endless hatred.  If everyone were able to receive and give love in this way, I do think the world would have far less problems.
      Another mention of love is in the second section when Frankl says that when you love someone, you see them not only for who they are, but also for the potential they have.  I fully agree with this statement and that we help to actualize that potential in those we love.  
    I would like to mention that I don't think Frankl's philosophy is the only way, even though I do agree with a lot of it.  I understand that a lot of people are happier living their lives without the pursuit of any type of meaning. In my case, I take pleasure in noting the small, day-to-day meanings that Frankl describes rather than a large, over-arching meaning.  I think that if I had survived what Frankl did, I would also want to find a meaning for my suffering, or else I would not have a will to live.  Frankl witnessed an evil within mankind  that could have made him lose all hope for humanity, but he didn't.  That is why his explanation of our responsibility is so important. Man has freedom, but how we choose to act on it is our responsibility.                                                                                  

Monday, December 8, 2014

The Meaning of Life

“'The meaning of life is happiness.'” He raised his finger, leaning forward, focusing on her as if she were the only person in the world. 'Hard question is not, "What is meaning of life?" That is easy question to answer! No, hard question is what make happiness. Money? Big house? Accomplishment? Friends? Or …' He paused. 'Compassion and good heart? This is question all human beings must try to answer: What make true happiness?' He gave this last question a peculiar emphasis and then fell silent, gazing at her with a smile."

      The Dalai Lama's answer is just cryptic enough that one may now have an idea of the meaning they're searching for, but it is entirely up to them to find how to achieve happiness.  Knowledge of the desired end result is clear; it is the path to reach it that each individual must discover.  
      I consider myself to be a happy person.  I do a lot of conscious things to maintain this state, but I think the greater factor is my genes.  Certain people have it way easier biologically to be happy.  Why should something pretty far out of our control be the meaning of life? 
        Some of the things I do that I think make me happier: Express gratitude, Laugh even when other people aren't laughing, Connect with people, Do work that will benefit other people, Meditate, Don't hate unnecessarily, Stay busy.  
      Happiness is a logical state to desire, and I think those who are happy are more likely to acknowledge meaning in their life.  At the very end of "The Stranger," Meursalt feels ready to live life again.  He is able to relate to the world's indifference and finds that he was and is happy.  Other people have determined that Meursalt's life should not continue, but even in his last hours he has come to understand his own meaning and happiness. 

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thankful for a Classmate

      Every day when I leave the philosophy classroom, the conversation seems to only have just begun.  This is thanks to Jacqueline and Abbey, who are always willing to dive even deeper into whatever we've been discussing and to acknowledge faults in the class discussion.  Since 7th grade, Abbey and Jacqueline have been challenging me to think harder, maintain perspective, and to support my ideas.
      I'm really grateful to Jacqueline for always being able to pick up where we left off, even if it has been a while.  But thankfully I get to see her more this year! She is receptive and open if there's ever an issue and she is so supportive of me. Our post card count is pretty impressive, and I hope it continues for a long time. Thank you for always listening and for introducing me to Half the Sky/Nicholas Kristof.  I really hope that some day we will combine our medical/humanitarian skills to do something great.  By the way, her hugs are therapeutic.
    Abbey is another friend for whom I am truly thankful.  First period gym is actually enjoyable because of her.  She makes me feel comfortable saying anything and is one of the best listeners I know. I am thankful for her honesty and for laughing with me.  I think she offers great insight into the books we read or topics we discuss; well, she's basically insightful all around.  I've grown so much because of our friendship and it is one that I absolutely cherish.  

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Into The Wild

          My favorite aspect of this movie is probably the glimpse into the kindness of humanity that does indeed exist.  Chris' ultimate goal is to escape from all of society, but in reality I think the true beauty is portrayed in his experiences on his way to Alaska. The joy he shares with Jan, Rainey, Ron, Wayne, and apparently some nudists, is pure.  He escaped the ills he saw in his own parents and discovered the genuineness that thrives in certain other people.  Yet this manifestation of joy is not what Chris seeks, so he continues on his journey to be truly alone in the wild.
      Ironically, I think in some ways Chris' selfishness is a reflection of the society that he so despises.  He hasn't yet understood the value of inter-human experiences, and so he writes off people who care deeply about him.  His transience seems to actually diminish the potential meaning he could find in life from building relationships and learning to care about another person.
     The change in Chris' parents is fascinating.  I think Chris' intentions in leaving were for his personal escape from the confines of society, but as a result, he ends up having a large impact on those he leaves behind, and now the millions of viewers of this movie.  The forced reflection inflicted on his parents is a necessary step that every member of society should take.  It follows with Socrates' living an examined life instead of becoming a robot of society.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

We Still Haven't Figured This Out Yet!

    I was once presented with the idea that without evil, good would not exist.  It is the absence of evil that allows us to understand something as good.  I see this philosophy running our society and world in many ways.  For instance, some people see great success and wealth even as others remain in conditions of extreme poverty.  We haven't figured out a way to eliminate the evil while maintaining the good.
    It seems that success comes with side-effects.  Even as we progress and develop incredible technology, there is always the fallout.  We can create cars that park themselves and wear computers on our heads, yet we can't manage to stop the 46.5 million people living in poverty in the United States (world  Is it moral to continue our technological advancement when so many people live without their basic needs met? Maybe the only advancements that should continue are those in medicine.
   In my opinion, we haven't yet figured out how to get our priorities straight.  It could be true that with good there is evil, but that doesn't mean we should help further the reality of this statement.  We haven't figured out how to make all citizens care more about those dying from hunger than the release of the newest iPhone.  For every apple ad you've seen in the past month, imagine it replaced with one of an organization working to interrupt the poverty cycle.  Let's use the brilliant minds creating the iPhone 7 to instead create a model that will greatly decrease the number of Americans living in poverty.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How Do I Know What I Know?

     By the end of Chapter 2, Siddhartha doubts that one can learn anything at all.  He thinks there is Atman, knowledge, within everyone, but that more knowledge cannot be learned.
     I definitely think I know what I know because of knowledge I have learned, not that has always been within me.  There are certain conditions in my life that make my "knowledge" different from the next person's.  For instance, I "know" that gay marriage should absolutely be allowed the same as any other marriage, yet this knowledge of mine isn't a universal truth.  I know something that I deem true even though it is not true for everyone.  Therefore, I know what I know based on the family, society, religion,  and culture that I have grown up in.
   This makes me think of what I've read of the many failed attempts by outsiders to address the issues facing people in other countries or communities.  We go in with our knowledge and try to fix problems without considering how limited our knowledge may be in that situation. With knowledge must come the perspective to understand different knowledge.  I think the person who questions what he knows for his whole life is the wisest.  Education is always changing because knowledge is not constant.  My parents and I may have both taken a physics class, but I'm sure I learned things that weren't part of the general knowledge when they took the class. We know what we know because of where we come from, but to grow as global citizens we need to challenge what we know and gain new knowledge.